Please use the login credentials emailed to you by Colin ( If you did not receive them, or cannot find them, please email him.
Upon logging in, you will be taken to your portal page. A direct link was included in the email.
The portal contains links to documents and resources of current relevance to your work with Action Circles. Some of these links provide editing access to the files they will bring you to. Please take care when sharing the links or editing the files. Here is a short breakdown of what may be on your portal page:
- The yellow section at the top is for current action items and upcoming events/important dates.
- Below this, you’ll find the current goals, and any bills that are related to those goals and your work.
- Campaign Materials are materials that have been created for the purpose of sharing, whether widely or as a memo to specific decision-makers.
- Internal Campaign information includes the workplans, tip sheets, lists and forms that will aid with your work but are generally not shared beyond your organization or Action Circles.
- Administrative information includes contact information, Financial and Lobbying information, and a current list of members of the email group we use to share updates and information with your organization.
- At the bottom of the page, you’ll find training materials from Action Circles for presentations and workshops we’ve made available to your organization.
- Finally, we have a section for documents from our previous work together, which may include session-end reports from recent years, current story analysis/storybook ending exercise documents, and documents from other activities Action Circles has participated in with your organization.
If you find that you would like resources or information to be included on your page that are not, or if other updates and changes are needed, please contact Colin ( and/or your point person at Action Circles. It is also helpful to know if there are materials that are unnecessary.
We primarily create and store documents in Google Drive, Dropbox and Canva. If your organization does not or cannot access documents on one of these services, we have attempted to store all documents on a service that will work. If you find anything that you still cannot access, or if it appears that we did not avoid using a service that doesn’t work for you, please let Colin know (